Perkasie, PA
Current Hourly rate is now $50.00 per hour as a minimum, not including machining or welding, that fee starts at $75.00 per hour.
We also offer certified welding services. Call for more information.
Firearm transfers are $25.00 per item. Discounts may be granted for multiple purchases, at my discretion.
Currently credit cards are accepted. Visa, Mastercard, but there is usually a fee from the processing company.
A minimum of 50% cash deposit is required for firearm orders in advance.
Silencer/suppressor transfers are $150.00, which does not include the cost of the Federal tax stamp which are $200.00 per NFA item and the cost of the unit. All suppressors must be paid for in advance due to the serial numbers necessary to file the Federal paperwork. If for any reason your denied, any and all return fees will be your responsibility and must be paid before any return of finances for the item.
Don't ask to "skip" anything or the "what if", I'm not interested. It's my business and my license, and I'm not losing it.
NEW NOTE:Starting, 04 DEC 2020 - RDNL will be closed for every holiday, Thanksgiving will be the entire four day weekend, and as of this year moving forward two days prior to Christmas Eve and two days after January 1st will be closed. Other non holiday dates that the shop will be closed are, 25 APR, 13 JUL, 22 SEP, 26-31 OCT every year.
(Pricing may change regularly, these are only estimates, they do not include parts, materials of relevant state taxes)